It’s already getting half way through the decade and half way through my twenties. While I’m more than comfortable where I am and with where I’m heading (assumptively), there’s still a part of me that continues to feel like that’s not enough- like it’s never enough. Sure, part of that is to be expected: the quarter-life crisis is essentially a staple of really becoming an adult, but it feels like I’ve had that emptiness since even before starting college. Maybe not emptiness; more so, absence.
For what though? I’ve got the job, the relationship, and the friends, but I continue to hop from thing to thing looking to fill something I lack. For the past few years, it’s been coding and computer. Now, I’ve hit that point similar to those who make art: the urge to apply myself.
I’ve had this site up for close to a year now with little to no idea of what I wanted to do with it. From the beginning, it was to be as the name stated, a place for more to divulge whatever was to me on my mind that was worth sharing. Low and behold, I was left empty because I feel like I have nothing to directly contribute that hasn’t been said. Most any idea I have comes from others whom I’ve engaged with, be it enjoying their works and having other dissect what they say.
But frankly, that’s what they are, too.
There are plenty of things I want to talk about and discuss, but I don’t really have people who are interested. Despite being an absolute nerd, I don’t really engage online whatsoever. So, that’s what this will be: a place to put my thoughts on things that have been getting my attention.
The intention is to have something written by the 1st and the 15th on the month. How well will I stick to this? Not a clue. I’m mostly just hoping that having a goal will encourage me to stick to it assuming I don’t forget it along the way.